How I Ensured Richa Lost Weight – A Simple Strategy


This is a sort of a case study that proves how this simple strategy that I’m about to share with you can literally ensure that You will Lose Weight and take action every single day.

I first used this strategy on myself and after I realised how powerful this strategy was, I started using this strategy with a lot of my clients.

In this article, I’ll cite Richa’s example.

Richa is one of my Elite Weight Loss Success Circle – Diamond Member.

In one of my coaching calls for my Diamond Members, Richa said – “I badly want to Lose 8 kg in 8 weeks, but my problem is I don’t follow through and give up mid-way.”

I asked her, “How serious are you about your goal?”

She said, “I’m really serious, I want to Lose 8 kg badly, please help me.”

I said, “Great, if you are really serious, here is what I want you to do. If you don’t follow through and miss your workout and eat junk and don’t lose 8 kg after 8 weeks, you will pay Rs. 15,000 to a charity that you HATE and think is a fraud. And you have no option of backing out. You will announce about this on your Facebook Page. So it’s a question of your Commitment and Integrity. You have 2 options, either lose 8 kg or pay Rs. 15,000 to a charity you HATE. If you don’t do either, people will question your Integrity and if you refuse to take this up this challenge now, I can assure you that you will give up mid-way again.”

Well, poor Richa, I put her in a spot. And mind you, this was on a live coaching call with other Diamond members.

I know I was really tough with Richa back then but I did that with the only intention of helping her. After working with hundreds of people, I knew that if Richa did not take up this challenge, she will give up again. This would really take a hit on her Self-Image and she will spiral down in the Negative Loop of  ‘I cannot follow through’.

This was the best possible way that would have helped her back then. I knew it from experience of working with so many other clients.

Well and guess what, after 8 weeks, Richa not just lost weight, she surpassed her goal and lost 9.5 kg.

If you have been struggling for a while to Lose Weight – this is one of the best strategies to use.

I call it the Goal with Consequence Strategy.

Here is how it works:

Step 1) Set a clear and specific goal with a DEADLINE:

This is a BAD example of a Goal – I want to Lose some Fat from my Tummy (What’s Some? And by When?)

Good Example – I want to Lose 10 kg in 8 Weeks by 19th December. (Now that’s specific and clear)

Step 2) Set a Consequence if you don’t meet the Goal

Bad example: I will only watch 2 movies this month and not 4 (You know this won’t hurt you or motivate you to take action)

Good example: I love Driving and Road Trips. And if I don’t meet my goals, I will NOT do a Road Trip in January like I do every year. Now, this is going to hurt me. I’ll hate missing out on the Road Trip and will do everything possible under the Sun to make sure I meet my goal.

So set real world consequences that hurt and push your forward to achieve success and meet your goals.

What do you think about this strategy? If you plan to give it a shot, share your real world consequence  in the comments below. I would love to hear about it.


About Author

Karan Dharamsi is a Fitness Entrepreneur, Writer, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and the CEO of this company. He loves helping people transform their body and in the process transform their life. He's done dozens of Certifications, but he firmly believes that Certifications only give Fitness Professionals a frame-work to build up on but the education must continue above and beyond any certifications. Pro HRV Certified Trainer (India’s First and Only Certified HRV Trainer). CSCS, US (Ongoing) || FMS (Ongoing) Certified Turbulence Trainer – Canada, Fat Loss Specilization Certification. PN Level 1 Coach, Canada (Ongoing) || RBT Certified, US CPT, K11, India || CPT, ACT, US || SNC, K11, India

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